Creativity Programmes

Saturday 3 September 2011

Busy week coming up

Next week's timetable:
Monday 10.00am: Still-life drawing for adults; 
Monday 3.00pm: Is Leor Beirt converation circle in cafe; 
Monday 4.00pm: Creativity for 8 to 12 years; 
Wednesday 10.00am: Creativity for parents and toddlers; 
Thursday 3.30pm Creativity for 4 to 7 years; 
Thursday 5.00pm Creativity for 13 to 18 years; 
Friday 10.00am Creative Embroidery for adults; 
Saturday 10.00am Portfolio Preparation; 
Special event as part of the annual 1798 Rebellion commemoration:
Saturday 2.30pm: Talk on 1798 by Jude Flynn, Longford Historical Society and music and entertainment by Ciorcal Comhrá Ard Mhacha (Armagh).
Exhibition of Heritage Week art work is running from Monday 5th to Saturday 17th September.
Places still available on some of the courses. Contact us for details.

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