Creativity Programmes

Saturday 23 July 2016

Annual Bilberry Sunday walk next weekend

Bilberry Sunday walk
Join us on Sunday, 31st July 2016, on our annual walk up Brí Leith/Ardagh Mountain. Meeting at GAA pitch at 11am where our guide Brendan Farrell of Ardagh Eco Gardens will lead us on a meander over the hill and not too far away. Paddy Farrell of The Divining Healing Well Clinic will give us a demonstration of divining for water on the mountain. Afterwards in Ardagh Heritage and Creativity Centre, over tea and scones, Paddy will give a talk about how divining skills can be used to locate water, minerals, lost people, animals, objects, removal of toxins and much more. Paddy is one of Ireland's best known Diviners and we are delighted to have him come and talk this year.

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