Creativity Programmes

Saturday 3 September 2016

Celebrate Roald Dahl's 100th birthday with us!

Come along on Saturday 17th September at 3pm to celebrate Roald Dahl's 100th birthday.  

Listen to extracts from some of the famous books, play some games from 100 years ago and if you really want to get into the spirit of the day come dressed as your favourite Dahl character and be in with a chance of winning a Golden Ticket to one of our family events.

We'll look at where Dahl got some of his ideas, how writers come up with characters, what makes a memorable character before making our own characters. All ages welcome, €5 per person (tea/coffee included for adults).

School programme: 
How do writers develop their characters?
To celebrate Roald Dahl's 100th birthday on 13th September we are also offering integrated art and literature workshops to primary schools throughout Sepember and October. Explore the memorable characters of Dahl favourites such as the BFG, Willie Wonka, The Twits, Matilda and many more before inventing your own and creating them with clay.  Junior or senior level workshops are available on a day that suits you. Contact us for more details.

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