Creativity Programmes

Saturday 11 March 2017

King at the Back of the Hill Anthology - Call out for submissions

Following on from the success of our Midir and Etain anthology two years ago we are delighted to be able to put a call out again for submissions. This year in association with Longford Arts Office and Cruthú Arts Festival we are turning our attention to the King at the Back of the Hill. We hope that we will once again receive art, writing (creative or factual, poetry or prose), photography and creative responses of all kinds to the story of King Maine. Submissions last time came from all over the world and from people aged 3 to 100 year old. We would love to have that diversity again. More information on the Back of the Hill site and its inhabitants can be found here. We hope to add to it soon after hearing Adel Coleman's very interesting talk on the Excavations at the Back of the Hill earlier this evening. We will also be announcing details of our new programme for schools based on the archaeology of the site in the next few weeks.The anthology will be launched on Bilberry Sunday 30th July in Ardagh Heritage and Creativity Centre. Submissions should reach us by 5th May.

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